User Stories

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Larry Mathias Larry Mathias wrote on 25. April 2018 at 21:24:
When I was a college freshman in 1977, I took a course that combined journalism and data processing. We had to design a survey (like a Gallup survey) and then conduct the survey through short interviews with students from across campus. We then had to "program" the results on punch cards so we could feed the data into the SPSS mainframe application, and then review the green-bar paper for our trend analysis. Finally, we had to write a "news" article with the results.

Fast forward to 1993, and I was on the media relations team at the Financial Relations Board in Chicago -- at the time, recognized as one of the leading investor relations firms in the U.S. I was assigned to be on the SPSS account. I was able to successfully place CEO Jack Noonan into more than a dozen news articles. In Sept. 1994, SPSS was seeking a new public relations manager. Leveraging my experience with the company a year earlier, I was hired as the company's PR manager (later changed to corporate communications manager to differentiate the addition of another PR person). I spent a little more than two years with the company. I loved working for Mark Battaglia and Jack Noonan, and generating both product and company articles to raise SPSS' visibility in the market.
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